Failed to access IIS metabase.

Posted by Zafar Ullah - | 12:08 AM | , | 0 comments »

Some time you may come across the following error

" Failed to access IIS Matabase"

This problem is because you might install iis or reinstall after installation of Visual Studio or .NET Framework.
Simply open command prompt from > ProgramFiles > VS2005 > Tools > CommandPrompt
and they
aspnet_regiis - i
This command reinstall .NET Framework pathch for IIS and reconfigure it.

The only solution is to Enable/Disable the ASP.NET Validator controls on page with JavaScript code to use ValidatorEnable(val, enable) funciton on each page where you need to use both options ( validator control and javascritp).

A very good example is given on the given link :)

Quick things to check when you experience high memory levels in ASP.NET

Posted by Zafar Ullah - | 6:44 AM | , , , | 0 comments »

Things to check when you you experience high memory levels in ASP.NET

Difference between aspnet_wp.exe and w3wp.exe

Posted by Zafar Ullah - | 3:00 AM | , | 3 comments »

The way an ASP.NET request is handled by IIS is quite different in IIS 6.0 when compared with 5.0. In 5.0, the ASP.NET worker process is handed off control by the aspnet_isapi extension in IIS. The aspnet_isapi dll runs in the inetinfo.exe process in IIS and functions what is known as the CLR host (a CLR host is the piece of unmanaged code which is responsible for loading the CLR into the memory). So aspnet_isapi “hands over” the processing to the worker process named aspnet_wp.exe, where the request passes through a series of HttpModules and an HttpHandler.

But in IIS 6.0, there is a driver named http.sys which listens to all the incoming requests (aspnet_isapi.dll is not in the picture at this point). The moment an ASP.NET specific request comes in, this driver starts an IIS 6.0 worker process (which is not related to ASP.NET at all) named w3wp.exe. This process now loads the aspnet_isapi.dll (CLR host) and the request follows through a similar sequence of HttpModules and HttpHandlers.
So the important thing to note here is that w3wp.exe is not an ASP.NET worker process (unlike aspnet_wp.exe) but instead specific to IIS 6.0.